decision advantage

insightful data now!


The need to innovate has never been stronger with new trends accelerating and existing trends being disrupted. Organizations have experimented with corporate accelerators, skunkworks, digital solutions, and innovation contests. Yet most organizations have not achieved the desired results. Based on our research only 1/4 to 1/3 of the innovation projects undertaken have been successful. There is a tendency to rely heavily on digital solutions. Innovation has several challenges; complex, long timelines, expensive, "shiny penny syndrome", and vague success targets. Based on our experience we felt there is a better way.


How we work with clients

We deliver fast and scalable innovative solutions that are completely tailored to the needs of clients with clear success measures and ROI targets. This is not one and done, rather we transfer capability through our innovation models. We deploy a number of tools - Innovation Models, Low Code/No Code Digital Enablers, Analytics On Call, and Intelligent/High-Value Workflows. We leverage existing culture and nudge the company-based innovation success factors. We deliver solutions in weeks/months at a fraction of the cost rather than years with no return. We have a 75% success rate. As fast as you can imagine it we can implement it.

Data Science & Machine Learning (ML), AI, Smart Filtering, Data Preparation & Analytics, Workflow Decision Support, Business Intelligence (BI), Agile Data, Low Code Digital Anlytics Automation


our insights & latest thinking




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