Transformation & Continuous Improvement, Operations & Support Service Optimization,
Data/Analytics/Business Intelligence, Digital Enablers, M&A/PMI, Strategy Execution

  • As serial implementers, we are laser-focused on execution and speed in realizing benefits for our clients every step of the way. 

  • We are innovative, competitive and deliver long-lasting solutions and results to create an industry advantage for our clients.

  • Get fast and scalable solutions that are completely tailored to your business, using digital applications and optimized workflows through the use of multiple views and tools.

  • Explore a new breed of low-risk and lower-cost digital solutions that can be quickly implemented for fast results.

  • Make decisions with confidence and speed based on business intelligence and analysis.

  • Generate new operational insights that contribute to decision-making at the tactical level.


Transformation & Continuous Innovation

Markets and industries are changing at unprecedented speed and leaders need to continually reframe their business. Traditional strategic focused transformation - Urgency, Vision, Communication – has not been successful. Transformation is the number one challenge facing executives, yet few CEO’s feel their organizations are well positioned to change.

We change the odds with our tactical focus and innovation model. Transformation is not a special event we help make it part of the everyday business model

We focus on 5 key drivers:

Organization: Leverage existing culture and nudge organizations in critical areas

Capabilities: Embed repeatable skills and create capacity to execute

Method: Run multiple break away teams in parallel with early wins

Technology: Focus on agile tools that are low cost & quick to implement

Rigor: Playbook, Metrics, Routines, Tools

Client Success Spotlight

Operations & Support Service Optimization

When organizations look at operations optimization the tendency is to think of “Leaning Out” or “Streamlining” processes with a narrow focus on functions like manufacturing and supply chain management. However, a broader spectrum of functions including back-office operations, finance, HR, IT, etc. - need to be considered.  These are all important contributors to the competitive performance of a company. In addition, not all processes need to be viewed solely on cost minimization. A narrow and relentless focus on cost results in a lack of resiliency and limits your strategic options. Improving your competitive position can be done across multiple dimensions.

We focus on building competitive advantage in end-to-end workflows by focusing on the following key process attributed: Value Creation, Business Intelligence, Control, Efficiency/Precision, and Resource Capability.

Client Success Spotlight

Data, Analytics, Business Intelligence

Companies have more data than ever, but insightful information is a rare commodity.  Organizations are constrained by transactional legacy systems that lack insightful attributes and the flexibility to adapt to the fast-paced decision making of today’s world. There are three key issues that organizations need to solve:

Develop insightful attributes: Using collaboration, database, and analytical technology we create a data and analytic platform that is decoupled from legacy systems. The platform can be used to create analytics and insights for decision making

Distribute analytics and business intelligence: Data visualization is used to make BI cockpits that can be customized and made available to the entire organization.

Achieve data agility: Changes in strategy can be seamlessly supported through the platform to allow companies to pivot as needed and highlight key issues to support decisions, opportunity identification, and execution monitoring.

Client Success Spotlight

Digital Enablers

You rarely if ever see lead stories that say, “Company Implements New ERP system and Triples Net Income”. Sometimes, you even see the opposite headline. “Company halts ERP investment and writes off 100 million investment”. More likely major technology transformations result in higher operating costs with few if any discernible benefits or improvements in a companies ability to compete. In fact, recent data has indicated that 84% of companies fail with large digital transformation projects. 

Breaking Forward is focused on a series of tools that are easy to implement, low cost, low risk and offer a high ROI. We also ensure that any solution outlined has clear measurable benefits and success measures. Nobody gets points for just turning on a new system. In addition, we identify digital waste or poor application of digital tools (e.g. Excel) and replace them with improved end user solutions to improve workflows. This is an area for improvement that is not well understood or identified by most organizations and represents a large untapped opportunity.

Client Success Spotlight


M&A strategies can be bold and successful, but they are difficult because they are complex and executed infrequently. Breaking Forward’s approach dramatically improves an organizations probability of success. The key to successful M&A work is to understand the value you can create through the acquisition and how quickly you can implement to bank the benefits to create value.

We focus on helping companies identify value creation points, verify them in the due diligence phase, and then implement prioritised opportunities in the post merger implementation phase (PMI).

Using advanced project management and collaboration digital tools – which can be customized and set up in days – opportunities are clearly communicated, accountability is well understood and results continually monitored. Ongoing metrics and analytics are established to create PMI intelligence scorecards at your fingertips. Our client’s success rates far exceed industry standards by making the unique and infrequent event a repeatable and controllable skill.

Client Success Spotlight

Strategy Execution

Execution of strategy is critical to developing a company’s value proposition and competitive advantage. While developing creative strategies is the starting point, being able to implement strategies deliveries the value to the organization. Breaking Forward’s experience with clients indicates the ability to execute strategies differentiates top performers from middle of the pack and or under performing companies.

The execution challenge is managed through three key activities. Detailed tactical plans are driven into mission critical functions through a strategic/execution matrix. Strategic initiatives need their own focus with metrics beyond the normal operational measures. Outcome metrics are monitored for inflight correction and resiliency. Advanced collaboration digital tools and agile project management are deployed to manage the transition. One of the most overlooked areas to ensure success is organization readiness. We create capacity to support execution, build capability and skills to support the strategy and leverage key characteristics of the company’s culture that align with the new vision.

Client Success Spotlight


Finance, Supply Chain Management, Operations & Manufacturing, Strategy Execution, Mergers & Acquisitions



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